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March Newsletter

March 2020

I’ve been told that today is the first day of spring, but I’ll believe it when I see it (or feel it). Regardless of the weather outside we are celebrating new life, in my home especially, but in our churches and our lives as well. We often treat being “born again” as something that happens once in our lives. That exquisite moment Wesley referred to and the “strange warming of the heart” that moment that the existence of God stops being theoretical and becomes indisputably real as the Spirit make it’s home in our hearts. The purpose of the Lenten Season is an annual reminder that this feeling of new life can be renewed in us on Easter. Lent is a time we give ourselves to prepare out hearts for the renewal that God wants to work in us. For God do not change and thus His love does not wax and wane. He never pursues us with any less zeal. His greatest desire is as it always has been to know us and be loved in return. We however find times in our lives when God’s presence feels more eminently close than others this is not due in any part to God but it is us who wax and wane. We lose focus we forget to make serving God our primary goal and thus we stop pursuing God with the same zeal. Then we have the audacity to ask God why He feels so far away. I implore you this Lenten season to sit down with Your Heavenly Father and ask where your life has lost it’s focus. Where can you make the change now that will lead to the spiritual renewal God wants to work in you this season.

Father God I can not express the gratitude I feel for the grace You so freely give nor for the love that I can not match. Despite Your people’s repeated rebellion You never stop pursuing them in Your love. Knowing full well how You would be treated by those You came to save You came anyways that we may know Your love for all. Father, You know my rebellion You know where I have yielded to temptation and doubt where I have allowed myself to become distracted. Yet You love me just the same. Father I want to know the fullest extent of Your love I want to know the joy and the fulfillment of a life spent with You. I open myself up this season to Your correction to my fully deserved rebuke show me where I’ve gone astray. Show me the way back. Show me where You are calling me to serve You better where You are calling me to love You better. God prepare my heart change my life let me join You in a rebirth this Easter. A-men.

“In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death. I began to pray with all my might for those who had in a more especial manner despitefully used me and persecuted me. I then testified openly to all there what I now first felt in my heart.” – John Wesley 1738


March 2nd 6:30 pm Hilltop UMC Mankato & March 8th 4pm at Cornerstone UMC Marshall. Southern Prairie District gatherings for clergy and laity for preparation for May General Conference.

March 2nd – April 20 Adult Grief Group 4:00 to 6:00 pm at Renville County Hospital (Willette Room) Call Amy Boetger, MSW, LICSW at 320-523-3451 to register

March 3rd 9:30 Bible Study every Tuesday – Danube and 7:00 Middle Creek

March 4th 7:00 pm Lenten Services – Danube

March 5th 1:30 pm Danube UMW meeting Devotions by Marilyn Hein & Lunch by Suzie Luech

March 10th 7:00 Danube Ad Board Meeting

March 11th 9:30 am Miriam Circle – Olivia

March 11th 7:00 pm Lenten Services Middle Creek

March 14th 12:30 – 3:00 pm All Parish luncheon baby shower for Wesley Leesman – Olivia Everyone is welcome (families, guys and gals) Each church is providing food for luncheon. Lots of fun and fellowship. If you have any questions, contact Mary Whitman 1-320-444-7638

March 14th 4:30 – 7:30 pm Olivia Cub Scouts build-a-burger fundraiser – Olivia American Legion

March 18th 7:00 pm Lenten Services – Olivia

March 19th 7:00 Olivia Ad Board Meeting

March 22nd 11:00am Friends & Family Sunday . Special music with Sue Isakson, Sunday school presentation. Pot Luck after services.

March 23rd 7:00 pm PPRC Meeting – Middle Creek

March 25th 7:00 pm Lenten Services – Danube

March 29th 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Baked Ham Dinner at Cross of Calvary Lutheran Church – Olivia

April 1st7:00 pm Lenten Services – Middle Creek

April 5thPalm Sunday

April 9th7:00 pm Maundy Thursday – Middle Creek

April 10th 7:00 pm Good Friday – Danube

April 12th 7:30 am Easter Sunrise – Middle Creek

April 24th & 25th All church rummage sale. Bring salable items to church basement any time - Olivia

MARCH IS FOOD SHELF MONTH- You can bring your donations of food and/or cash to the Food shelf located at 108 South 9th Street, Olivia Volunteers are also needed. You can contact Mary Ann Lewis at 320-523-5339 for information on opportunities to serve. The food shelf is a community-supported effort.

It is that time of year for CAMP MINNESOTA. Contact church office for Registration and camp information.

April newsletter information due March 20th.

Thank you

Administrative Assistant, Marie Weidauer


March Birthdays

1st Brad Myers

4th Cynthia Krause, Dan Ervin

5th Jayson Smith, Don Morse

10th Melissa Hoppke, Jeffrey Blume, Jena Reese

11th Viola Minkel

12th Makayla Tepfer, Andy Davis

13th Sharon Hemingson

14th Halie Myers

15th Pat Brown

16th David Luech, Miles Edelbach

18th Jan Ervin

23rd Linda Knutson

25th Nathan Hoppke, June Gort, Joi Julson, Janelle Schmoll

26th Ed Brooks, Marie Weidauer

27th Ruth Martin, Karen Davis

28th Easton Krueger, Michard Bruns, Pat Schmoll

29th Val Serbus

30th Pat Slagter

March Anniversaries

4th Charles & Durene Cornell

5th Terry & Linda Marguth

12th Rich & Joi Julson

16th Chelsea & Kelly Pusc

21st Don & Carol Houghton

25th Ken & Kathy Johnson

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